
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pretty Profile

I just got back from my 4th ultrasound and so far, so good! The heart beat was 169 beats per minute and the baby was big enough to do the Nuchal Translucency (AKA, NT) scan and we also did some other genetic testing. The Genetic Counselor will call me on Monday with the genetic test and the NT results, and then I will see Dr. Moore on the 23rd to discuss the ultrasound results.

Here's some fun pictures from today (at 11weeks 4 days) and then some info on more upcoming appointments:

Upcoming appointments:
On Thursday, April 14th at 8:30am, I will have another ultrasound. For no reason, other than they are keeping a close eye on me. :)

On Thursday, May 12 at 8:30 am, I'll have another ultrasound! This appointment is "THE BIG ONE" - The anatomy scan!

1 comment:

  1. I love your smiles!!!! it makes me smile!!! and I think I see a pony tail on that ultra sound :)
