
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ten Fingers & Ten Toes

Today we had our anatomy scan. Most people refer to this appointment as the "big" ultrasound because the gender is revealed. But more importantly, this appointment is when they measure every part of the baby to confirm that everything is growing properly and to make sure that there are no visible defects. I am so glad to say that Baby H is lookin' good! We counted 10 fingers, 10 toes, 4 chambers in the heart (with a heart rate of 153 beats per minute), 10 inches in length from head to toe and s/he weighs 11 oz! We are so excited that everything is going so well and we look forward to revealing the gender over Memorial weekend!

In other news, I'm starting to feel little movements in my stomach. It actually feels like a little fish swimming around in there. Check out the little creature that's getting cozy!
It's kind of hard to figure out what the legs are doing, but they are bent. So the long part is the thigh and the calves are pointing up and over to the left and the feet are blurred at the very top.The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting a good profile picture and said "if only we could take out a few of your ribs so that I can get a good angle". Ha! I told her to just keep poking my belly until we get the right view... I'd like to keep all of my ribs, thank you very much!

For my Detroit peeps:  Here's a picture of my "baby bump" at 19 weeks 4 days.

Upcoming appointments:
Monday, May 16th at 1:50pm with Dr. Hugge so that she can look at my anatomy scan results (we had today's ultrasound appointment at St. John's).

Wednesday, May 18th at 9:10am with the high risk doctor, Dr. Moore. She's still monitoring me to watch for signs of preeclampsia.

Friday, June 10th at 7:30am at St. John's for a follow-up ultrasound. Yay, more pictures!